Thursday, November 12, 2009


Freedom is the motive of the universe, freedom its goal. The laws of nature are the methods through which we are struggling to reach that freedom, under the guidance of Mother. This universal struggle for freedom attains its highest expression in our conscious desire to be free.

Death is only a change of condition. Time and space are in you; you are not in time and space. It is enough to know that as we make our lives purer and nobler, either in the seen or the unseen world, the nearer we approach God, who is the center of all spiritual beauty and eternal joy.

Our pessimism is a dread reality, our optimism is a faint cheering, making the best of a bad job.

On the one hand there is the conservative society, like a mass of inert matter and, on the other, the restless, impatient, fire-darting reformer. The way to good lies between the two.

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